Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Just spent a few days with Ben, a friend of my brother’s from New Zealand. Despite the somewhat dreary weather these days in Chicago, we had a great time chatting, riding bikes, eating cake, drinking Margaritas, and just working side-by-side together at the kitchen table, each of us glued to our own laptop. I mention this here because spending time with someone new is a great way to learn. Ben is a smart and self-aware guy who is taking life by the horns. We shared books, ideas, and experiences over four days of face-to-face time—really quite a luxury for me in these days of staying home working in my pjs, being an online teacher and student.

1 comment:

Unemployed art teacher said...

I too have gone on adventures instead of finding the subject I was searching for. Often times it becomes a more valuable learning experience than I could have imagined