Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another Reason to Love the Internet: PostCrossing Follow-Up

Just a quick post to comment that it is very easy to get connected to a like-minded postcard lover in Lithuania (through while lounging in bed at my home in Chicago. But buying a stamp and mailing a postcard to her from Todos Santos, Baja Sur, Mexico involved driving down some really bumpy and dusty roads to track down a poorly marked building where I climbed the stairs and asked the guy sitting all alone in an office, “Se vende estampillos?” And then buying a stamp for 13 pesos (he didn’t seem too sure where Lithuania was, but I think he understood Europe). And then watching him put the stamped postcard in his desk drawer. Good luck, little postcard! I may have to mail a second one from Chicago just to make sure that she receives something from me!

1 comment:

Rodolfo's Blog said...

You are right. Now is easer to send post card using the internet. My family in Mexico send me e-cards very often. They use a site called Gusanito.